Inspection of buildings (constructions) is a procedure of evaluation of buildings (constructions) technical state. Based on the results (real values of test parameters) of building or another construction technical inspection it is possible to define the serviceability of the object for next exploitation, reconstruction or define the necessity in refurbishment, reinforcing, maintenance of building constructions.
Technical inspection of buildings also includes inspection of building constructions in order to define a change in their facilities, deformational damages, disadvantages and current carrying capacity of building’s engineer construction.
When is a technical inspection of building and construction taken?
The causes for technical inspection of buildings can be: expiration of building’s (construction’s) term of exploitation, evaluation of different kinds of defects and damages during the technical maintenance, results of natural disasters and fires, absence of project design documentation etc.
For the first time a technical inspection of buildings and constructions must be taken not later than after two years since their start-up. After this an inspection of buildings and constructions must be taken at least once in five years and at least once in three years under adverse service conditions.
The use of the up-to-date equipment in technical inspection of buildings and constructions allows us to get and offer a customer the accurate estimate of engineering state of building constructions, find the disadvantages and give recommendations for further safe exploitation.
The structural assessment and passportization of industrial buildings and constructions are taken by the experts of our company in accordance with rules of technical inspection of buildings, in accordance with Laws and regulations of worker safety and health 45.2-1.01-98 “The rules of inspection of engineering state assessment and passportization of industrial buildings and constructions”.
The carrying out of a technical inspection of buildings and constructions
A technical inspection of buildings and constructions is carried out in two steps:
- A tentative (visual) inspection of building (construction);
- A detailed (instrumental) inspection of building (construction).
A tentative inspection of building (construction) includes: examination, visual inspection of building constructions, familiarization with project and as-built documentation, accomplishment of measurements works, rough estimate of state of building constructions and buildings at large, developing of plan for further inspection of the building.
A detailed inspection of building (construction), in its turn, includes: detailed study of project and as-built documentation, testing of concrete strength characteristics of examined building constructions, sampling of material, determination of joints deformation size, crack width and depth, depth of concrete cover and other testings and means of building (construction) inspection required for preparation of report about building inspection.
The report about engineering state of a building (construction) at the end of a building or construction inspection includes:
- assessment of building constructions engineering state (category of engineering state);
- results of building (construction) inspection, substantiating an accepted category of engineering state of building constructions, object at large;
- substantiation of the most probable reasons for appearance of defects and damages in constructions diagnosed during building (construction) inspection;
- assessment of physical deterioration of building constructions and engineering systems of building in accordance with regulatory requirements;
- recommendations for repair and renewal operations for elimination of detected during an inspection constructions defects and damages;
- results of measurement works (plans, frontages, layers, etc.) in program AutoCAD;
- schemes and lists of defects and damages with fixation of their places and kinds, and also with a reference to photomaterials. As well as schemes of places of manufacture, developing, exploration of constructions;
- object’s photomaterials with description of detected during a building (construction) inspection defects and damages;
- results of determination of strength properties of materials applied in constructions of the building by way of taking instrumental examinations with non-destructive testing methods, and also laboratory examinations (if it is necessary).
Experts of our company will do all the necessary work for technical inspection of buildings (constructions) in a qualitative manner and as soon as possible. And flexible pricing policy will allow defining the most optimized variant for every customer.
Our company does works on a building inspection over the territory of entire Ukraine.