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Development and coordination of documents in the field of industrial safety

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “About the high-risk objects” № 2245 from 18.01.2001 and other legal acts of Ukraine, for the objects, which can be used or manufactured, processed, store or transport hazardous substances, biological agents, as well as for other objects which, under certain circumstances, may pose a real threat of an accident it is necessary to conduct a number of works to develop specific list of documents (depending on the specific object) and coordinate a number of documents in the state regulatory authorities.

We offer you a full range of work which must be carried out for potentially dangerous objects (PDO) and high-risk objects (HRO), according to the legislation:

List of works:

  1. Development of plan of localization and liquidation of emergency situations (PLES).
  2. Expertise of analytic part of PLES.
  3. Coordinating PLES in supervising authorities.
  4. Identification of potentially dangerous object (PDO) and development of “Report about results of identification potential danger”.
  5. Completion of passport for PDO.
  6. Identification of high-risk object (HRO) and development of “Report about results of identification high-risk object”.
  7. Development of declaration of safety HRO.
  8. Expertise of declaration of safety HRO.

Works are carried out by qualified staff who are certified by the State Service of Mining Supervision and Industrial Safety of Ukraine (Ukraine Gosgorpromnadzor) and have the right to conduct checkup or expert examination of high-risk equipment.