Declaration of safety HRO is document that defines a series of measures taken by the business entity in order to prevent accidents, as well as readiness to localize and eliminate accidents and their consequences.
Safety declaration GRO is developed for all high-risk facilities. The presence on the same production site of several high-risk facilities is made one safety declaration. Declaration of safety HRO must be designed in accordance with CMU Decree №956 since 11 July 2002 « On the identification and declaration of safety of high-risk objects».
Safety declaration is reviewed every five years. Extraordinary revision of the Declaration of safety in case of:
- changes in activity of high risk object, leading to an increase or decrease in the degree of hazard and risk level, regardless of the reason;
- changes and / or entry into force of legal acts that affect the content of the information submitted in the declaration of safety;
- construction in the surrounding areas of new enterprises (objects), if it affects the content of the information given in the declaration of safety;
- reasonable requirements of the authorized body or the public.
Development and designation of safety declaration HRO regulated by the following laws and legal acts:
- Law of Ukraine "On High-risk objects" №2245-III since 18.01.2001
- CMU Decree №956 since 11.07.2002 «On the identification and declaration of safety of high-risk objects».