Centre of psychophysiological examination of employees.
Joint Venture "Technical Supervision Company DIEX" LLC has a Centre of psychophysiological examination of employees. According to Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Safety", "... to perform high-risk work requiring professional selection shall be allowed a person with the report of psycho-physiological examination".
Besides psychophysiological examination is a requirement for a medical examination of employees.
Given the above requirements of current legislation and regulations on labor safety, the Center for psychophysiological examination Joint Venture "Technical Supervision Company DIEX" LLC holds psychophysiological examination in a professional manner and with the use of special funds:
- The software package "software test suite for the psychophysiological selection of specialists working in high-risk jobs. Version number 1."
Ministry of Health found it suitable for use in health care. According to the results of psychophysiological examination provided a legal document with the conclusions of the professional life of this type of work.
In the work we use current legislation, including:
- The issuance of permits for work on high-risk operation (usage) of machines, tools, equipment, high-risk equipment, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No.1107 dated October 26, 2011.
- Order of medical examinations of employees of certain categories approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine No.246 dated 21.05.2007.
- List of high-risk works, approved by order of the State Committee on January 26, 2005 No.15.
- List of works where there is a need for professional selection approved by joint decree of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and State Committee on September 23, 1994 No. 263/121.