In the system of measures to improve the quality and efficiency in manufacturing plants, safety production process, reduce occupational injuries, occupational diseases, rational use of labor resources, an important role belongs to the psychological guarantee of work of staff.
Joint Venture "Technical Supervision Company DIEX" LLC offers its services in the field of psychological examination of your employees.
We have developed a set of psychological diagnosis of staff. According to a survey compiled psychological portrait of the personality of each of the tested person based on testing using techniques that can be called a classic practical psychology, because they have long been widely used around the world and worked well because of its high predictive reliability. The main task of psychological examinations is to make people work more efficient.
It is general fact that most of the violations in the field of health and safety are directly related to the lack of professional psychological suitability of workers. Introduction of psychological assessments helps to reduce injuries and accidents due to the fault of the "human factor".
Here is far not the full list of problems to be solved with the help of psychological examination of employees:
- identification of workers suitable on psychophysiological indicators to perform hazardous work;
- prevention of the possibility of accidents and industrial accidents due to neuropsychiatric conditions of employees;
- avoid errors in the production process due to the fault of the human factor;
- assessment of candidates for the vacant position;
- survey of employees in case of promotion or transfer;
- creation of a psychological profile of the individual;
- identification of the causes of interpersonal conflicts and eliminating them;
- improving staff selection;
- creating a friendly atmosphere in the workplace;
- achieving correspondence between inward of man and his work;
- conflict resolution;
- reducing staff turnover.
Psychological diagnostics program is developed for each position based on the psychological characteristics of professional work of employees. Based on the research the leadership has an opportunity to competently manage the process of professional growth, streamline operations of the enterprise.
On the basis of the conclusions of survey process, it is a detailed report with recommendations of psychologist. These all psychophysiological examinations are saved as logs or computer database.
Privacy and confidentiality of the information received is guaranteed by professional ethics.