Expertise of labor protection and industrial safety of a business entity (hereinafter - the expertise) allows to avoid accidents that can lead to human and material losses.
Carrying out of expertise regulates Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection":
«The employer must obtain a permit to perform high-risk work and to operate (use) vehicles, machinery and high-risk equipment».
Gosgorpromnadzor in Ukraine and its territorial authorities issue permits on the basis of expert opinion, held by expert (authorized) organization, that has the appropriate permits.
LLC JV "Technical supervision Company DIEX" is the authorized organization of Gosgorpromnadzor in Ukraine and has permission to perform expertise.
Expertise of labor protection and industrial safety of a business entity carried out in accordance with the "Procedure for issuance of permits for high-risk work and to operate (use) of machines, high-risk equipment " approved by CMU since 26.10.2011, № 1107.
Lists of works and high-risk equipment for operation (application) which is necessary to obtain permits defined in Annexes 2, 3 CMU since 26.10. 2011 № 1107.
Duration of the permits is:
- to perform high-risk works - 5 years;
- to operate (use) high-risk equipment - 5 years.
Requirements for use of imported equipment are also defined in Article 21 of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection":
«Technological processes and machinery, equipment, vehicles, chemicals and their compounds and other hazardous products purchased abroad are allowed to operate (to use) only if the expertise is held for compliance with local laws and regulations on health and safety that are applicable in Ukraine».
LLC JV "Technical supervision Company DIEX" offers expertise of imported equipment for compliance with regulatory and legal acts on labor protection, which are applicable in Ukraine.
Referring to the professionals in the expertise of occupational safety, you minimize the number of possible undesirable situations in the workplace.
Our experts provide qualitative, efficient and prompt expertise for you and help you get the Permission.